Tag Archives: wind

Hans Haacke

Hans Haacke, ‘Blue Sail’ (1964)

Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone, ‘Jahrestage’ (2004)

Erik Wesselo

Erik Wesselo, ‘Düffels Möll’ (1997)

Vaast Colson

‘Though a lie be swift, the truth overtakes it. Ten fibs I told as a child’ (2006) by Vaast Colson

Ten lies Vaast Colson told as a child were printed on 500 white balloons. Each balloon is accompanied by a mini-disc on which Colson explains the project and a signed and numbered information card. During the opening the balloons were filled with helium and released. The people who found a balloon were invited to send a photograph of themselves with the balloon. The most distant balloon thus far was found at 770 km from Antwerp.

Joe Grimm

Joe Grimm, ‘Bisected Fan II’ (2009)

Russell Hill

Russell Hill, ‘Pump’ (2010)

Esmee Geerken

‘Windtunnel’ (2011) by Esmee Geerken at TeTo Projects, Amsterdam

Roman Ondák

‘Catch’ (2011) by Roman Ondák

Intervention in the Deutsche Bank pavillion at Frieze Art Fair 2011.

Aleksandra Mir

Pictures from Aleksandra Mir‘s ‘Big Umbrella’ project in London (2004)

Eric Von Robertson

‘Desert Lodge’ by Eric Von Robertson

The Desert lodge is a prototype for a makeshift shelter used for getting from here to there – a synthetic tumbleweed drifting in the wind. It plays on an intuitive sense of geometry and lightweight structures. The Lodge traverses diverse zones in an attempt to be realized, from an instore prototyping demonstration in IKEA to the High Plains mesas in Arizona, the Lodge is in a constant state of motion.