Tag Archives: plastic

Lode Geens

Lode Geens, Hek, 2009

Lode Geens, ‘Hek’ (Fence) (2009)

Memphis Group


A radiator designed by the Memphis Group.

Hannah Lees

Hannah Lees - Tablet XI (2014)

Hannah Lees, ‘Tablet XI’ (2014)

Marcel Broodthaers

1969 Minuit, Mar­cel Broodthaers

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Minuit’ (1969)

Part of a series enti­tled ‘Indus­trial Poems,’ ‘Minuit’ is made of a ther­mally shaped plas­tic sheet, making it pos­si­ble to repro­duce infinite copies of the same thing.

Tom Friedman


Tom Friedman, Untitled (1992)

Garbage bags stuffed one inside the other.

Tue Greenfort


‘PET-Flasche’ (2008) by Tue Greenfort.

“Producing 1 kilogram of PET plastic requires 17,5 kilograms of water and results in air emissions of 40 grams of hydrocarbons, 25 grams of sulphur oxides, 18 grams of carbon Monoxide, 20 grams dioxide. In terms of water use alone, much more is consumed in making the bottles than will ever go into them.”

Peggy Franck

Peggy-Franck_A shift in focus, 2012

Peggy Franck, ‘A shift in focus’ (2012)

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Felix Gonzalez-Torres  Untitled (Lover Boys)  1991  Candies individually wrapped in clear wrapping, endless supply

Felix Gonzalez-Torres, ‘Untitled(Lover Boys)’ (1991)

Candies individually wrapped in clear wrapping, endless supply, free for taking.

Gregor Schneider

Gregor Schneider, ‘Die Familie Schneider’ (2004)

Die Familie Schneider took place in neighbouring, identical houses – 14 and 16 Walden Street, London. The houses were open by appointment only and visitors – always two at a time – collected the front door keys from a small office on the same street. One visitor entered 14 Walden Street alone, whilst the other entered the neighbouring house.

In each was an identical woman, perpetually washing the same dishes; in each was a child, or a child-like person – wrapped placidly within a plastic bag; and in each was a man in a shower, engaged in a stark and lonely act of masturbation. After a period of ten minutes, the visitors emerged, exchanged keys and entered the second house.

At no time was there ever more than one visitor in each house.

Song Dong

Song Dong, ‘Waste Not’ (2005)

The installation comprises over 10.000 items collected by Song Dong’s mother, Zhao Xiangyuan, over five decades – ranging from a section of the family home, to metal pots and plastic bowls to blankets, bottle caps, toothpaste tubes and toys.