Tag Archives: dead

Aerial view of a public cemetery in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China


An aerial view of a public cemetery in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.

Stuart Ringholt

stuart ringholt_still from this person is dead

Still from Stuart Ringholt’s ‘This person is dead’

Stanley Kubrick / J.R. Eyerman


Extras playing dead at the set of Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Spartacus‘. Photo shot by J.R. Eyerman (1959).

James Beckett

James Beckett, Stack Facade-1-2011_mixed deteriorated exotic woods

James Beckett, ‘Stack Façade 1’ (2011)

Mixed deteriorated exotic woods.

Daniel G. Baird

daniel g baird

Daniel G. Baird, ‘Untitled (HP Pavillion #ze4560us, August 2003 – April 2007)’ (2008)

Silica Dessicant, Personal Electronic, Acrylic

An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World

24 Febsmall

Sober & Lonely Institute for the Arts in reaction to the end of part two of An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World?

Léon Spilliaert

Léon Spilliaert, ‘Paysage de dunes’ (1926)

Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone, ‘Jahrestage’ (2004)

Matthew Day Jackson

‘Me, dead at 37’ (2011) by Matthew Day Jackson