Tag Archives: sculpture

Johan Gelper

johan gelper  semi chisel, 2013

Johan Gelper, ‘Semi Chisel’ (2013)

Roman Ondák

Roman Ondak, Open (2015)

Roman Ondák, ‘Open’ (2015)

Mark Leckey


Mark Leckey, ‘BigBoxStatueAction’ (2003)

Live event at Tate Britain, London. Strapped together and reaching the same proportions as its sculptural counter-part (by Jacob Epstein), Leckey’s speaker stack explores the space in sonic equivalence to the solidity of the form in front of of it. Occasional emissions of largely appropriated sounds address the mass as if to probe and interrogate it in a manner that suggests it is trying to understand it, testing it out. When utilised for performance the sounds hit rib-rumbling low ends at ear-ringing volume.


Driegezicht (heilige drie eenheid) De vader, de zoon en de heilige geest. 17e eeuw, lindehout met resten van oude versie, 134cm _ Kolumba_Keulen

17th century tri-face (holy Trinity): the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Collection of the Kolumba museum, Cologne.


Carlito Carvalhosa

carlito carvalhosa-precaucao de contato nara roesler sao paulo, 2014-2

carlito carvalhosa-precaucao de contato nara roesler sao paulo, 2014-1

Carlito Carvalhosa, ‘Precaucao de contato’ at Gallery Nara Roesler Sao Paulo (2014)

Matias Faldbakken


Matias Faldbakken, Untitled (Coin Locker Sculpture) (2012)

Riley Harmon


Riley Harmon, ‘What it is without the hand that wields it’ (2008)

As gamers die in a public video game server of a modified version of Counter-strike, a popular online first person shooter, the electronic solenoid valves dispense a small amount of fake blood. The trails left down the wall create a physical manifestation of virtual kills, bridging the two realities. The title is inspired by the Telefon Tel Aviv song of the same name.

Robert Irwin



Robert Irwin, ‘Untitled (Acrylic Column)’ (1969-2011)

acrylic, 473.7 cm x 22.9 cm x 8.9 cm

Marcel Broodthaers

1969 Minuit, Mar­cel Broodthaers

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Minuit’ (1969)

Part of a series enti­tled ‘Indus­trial Poems,’ ‘Minuit’ is made of a ther­mally shaped plas­tic sheet, making it pos­si­ble to repro­duce infinite copies of the same thing.