Tag Archives: kinetic

Riley Harmon


Riley Harmon, ‘What it is without the hand that wields it’ (2008)

As gamers die in a public video game server of a modified version of Counter-strike, a popular online first person shooter, the electronic solenoid valves dispense a small amount of fake blood. The trails left down the wall create a physical manifestation of virtual kills, bridging the two realities. The title is inspired by the Telefon Tel Aviv song of the same name.

John Henry Newton


John Henry Newton, ‘1994/1994 (Powercut)’ (2014)

Bik Van der Pol



Bik Van der Pol, ‘Up close’ (2014)

For the exhibition ‘The Part In The Story’ Bik Van der Pol decided to bring the sculpture ‘Two Rectangles Vertical Gyrating’ (1971) by George Rickey, and install it laying down on the floor of the exhibition space. This kinetic sculpture, normally installed on Rotterdam’s busy Binnenwegplein, has somewhat of a contested history. After recent renovations of the square causing an elevation of the ground, the blades of the sculpture rotate at a mere 2.11 meters above street level. The sculpture was hence considered a safety hazard because of the danger of it hitting the heads of passers-by. In prevention of any accidents, the sculpture was fenced off in 2012 and temporarily removed later that same year.


A video showing Rickey’s sculpture in action on its old location.

Arthur Ganson

‘My little violin’ (2009) by Arthur Ganson.

Ariel Schlesinger

3 videos by Ariel Schlesinger. Above: ‘L’angoisse de la page blanche’ (2007)

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