Tag Archives: mechanical sculpture

Arthur Ganson


Arthur Ganson, ‘Machine with concrete’ (1992)

Each worm/worm gear pair reduces the speed of the motor by 1/50th. Since there are 12 pairs of gears, the final speed reduction is calculated by (1/50)12. The implications are quite large. With the motor turning around 200 revolutions per minute, it will take well over two trillion years before the final gear makes but one turn.

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Ariel Schlesinger @ Galerija Gregor Podnar


Seen last Friday at Gregor Podnar in Berlin; Ariel Schlesinger’s solo show called ‘Reverse engineering’. Although not many works and not all of them as good; a nice show, with quite some energy!

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Pauline Bastard

Afbeelding 10

Pauline Bastard, ‘Over the rainbow’ (2009)

A lot of her works are videos that I can’t show you here, because her website’s so Flashy… so go there.

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Christopher Chiappa


Christopher Chiappa, ‘Hermit crab’, video (2010)

‘Hermit crab’ is a video manipulating common childhood pet hermit crabs in a way that
depicts power and abuse. The artist’s head is cropped out of each frame as he methodically
glues each of the twenty-five hermit crab shells together to form a circle. The crabs’ behavior
during the gluing evokes human struggle and strategies for coping as a group.


Photograph taken at the end of the production of the film.

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Ariel Schlesinger

3 videos by Ariel Schlesinger. Above: ‘L’angoisse de la page blanche’ (2007)

To see the other 2: Read More »

Nedko Solakov

Afbeelding 3

Nedko Solakov, ‘Destroyed public sculpture’ (2001) Video here

Destroyed replica of a part from a public sculpture called Citizens (created by Ubo Scheffer, 1970), situated in front of the Police Headquarters, Arnhem


Chris Burden

Chris Burden talking about his museum installation ‘Samson’ (1985), with added VHS-eighties-please-adjust-your-television effects.

A museum installation consisting of a 100-ton jack connected to a gear box and a turnstile. The 100-ton jack pushes two large timbers against the bearing walls of the museum. Each visitor to the museum must pass through the turnstile in order to see the exhibition. Each input on the turnstile ever so slightly expands the jack, and ultimately if enough people visit the exhibition, SAMSON could theoretically destroy the building.

More images: Read More »

Opening Nikki Koole @ Galerie Gallery


Nikki Koole on the keyboard…

Saturday April 3, Galerie Gallery: Opening of the exhibition by Nikki Koole. Pictures of the opening here!

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April 3rd: Nikki Koole @ Galerie Gallery


Nikki Koole, ‘Neukmannetjes’ (2005)

An application that generates a simplified version of  the game of seduction..
It starts with two babies, one male, one female. Once adults, they wander around the screen until they bump into eachother. They then have intercourse, after which the male leaves and the woman gives birth. Her baby will grow up, and enter the game.. This is repeated until the screen is fully filled with inhabitants, when everything collapses and the process starts over.

Nikki Koole will be presenting new works at Galerie Gallery tomorrow, Saturday the 3rd of April. You are welcome to join our festivities from 18.30hrs.

Jeppe Hein, ‘360 presence’


Jeppe Hein, ‘360 presence’ (2002)

Interview with Jeppe Hein here.