Tag Archives: 80s

Ken McMullen / Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida interviewed by Pascale Ogier about the ‘Science of Ghosts’ in Ken McMullen‘s film ‘Ghost Dance’ (1983)

Gundula Schulze Eldowy

Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Untitled (Dresden 1986)

Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Untitled (Dresden 1986)

Louise Bourgeois

louise bourgeois legs

Louise Bourgeois, ‘Legs’ (1986)

Arnoud Holleman



‘Museum’ (1998) by Arnoud Holleman. Watch it here.

An 80’s gay porn movie where all the sex scenes have been cut out.

Stan Brakhage

Stan Brakhage, ‘I… Dreaming’ (1988)

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Chris Burden

Chris Burden talking about his museum installation ‘Samson’ (1985), with added VHS-eighties-please-adjust-your-television effects.

A museum installation consisting of a 100-ton jack connected to a gear box and a turnstile. The 100-ton jack pushes two large timbers against the bearing walls of the museum. Each visitor to the museum must pass through the turnstile in order to see the exhibition. Each input on the turnstile ever so slightly expands the jack, and ultimately if enough people visit the exhibition, SAMSON could theoretically destroy the building.

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Breaking the law – Wal eht gnikaerb

But they did come up with this…

Judas Priest and Tseirp Saduj