Tag Archives: computer

Mauro Cerqueira

mauro cerqueira3

‘Less is more, love is blind’ (2007) a performance by Mauro Cerqueira.

Micah Lexier

Micah Lexier, Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order), 2004

‘Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order)’ (2004), a personalized handout by Micah Lexier.

Nate Hess


Still from ‘3D Model with Fingerprints’ (2009) by Nate Hess.

Michael Kargl



‘Objects of Desire’ (2005-2008) by Michael Kargl (aka Carlos Katastrofsky).

A numbered but unsigned set of sentences, which disappears from the screen as soon as the next set is automatically displayed, allows the visitor to become the owner of a unique work of art, but only as long as he or she keeps it in mind.

Jordan Wolfson

‘Untitled’ (2007) by Jordan Wolfson combines the Prologue by Philip Leider from the film “Painters Painting The New York Art Scene 1940-1970” (by Emile de Antonio, 1972) with Wolfson’s own footage of a slow pan and zoom of a Mac Classic Computer sitting on the edge of a rural highway.

Mungo Thomson

mungothomson_Photoshop Palette Rug, 2009

Mungo Thomson, ‘Photoshop Palette Rug’ (2009)

Ethan Hayes-Chute

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   Shopping Cart

Ascii art by Ethan Hayes-Chute.

Caleb Larsen

Caleb Larsen, ‘A tool to deceive and slaughter’ (2009)

A physical sculpture that is perpetually attempting to auction itself on eBay.

Every ten minutes the black box pings a server on the internet via the ethernet connection to check if it is for sale on the eBay. If its auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself.

If a person buys it on eBay, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. The new owner must then plug it into ethernet, and the cycle repeats itself.

Follow the current auction here: http://atooltodeceiveandslaughter.com

Cerith Wyn Evans

Cerith Wyn Evans, ‘Chandeliers’ (2003)

The ‘Chandelier’ sculptures evoke notions of otherworldly communication by using sections of texts that have been translated into the flashing light signals of Morse Code, such as “Diary: How to improve the world (you will only make matters worse)” continued 1968 from ‘M’ writings ’67-’72 by John Cage.


Cornell Creative Machines Lab

AI vs AI : Two chatbots talking to each other, by Cornell Creative Machines Lab