Monthly Archives: December 2009

Billy(TM) Apple

billy apple

This is a picture of the apple ‘species’ that Billy Apple is growing in New Zealand. A spotless, perfectly red apple that’s supposed to hit a grocery store near you sometime in the coming years…


DSCN4347 kopie

from sk and mh.

Antoine Stemerding


Antoine Stemerding, ‘Wat wil je doen?’  (2006)

An installation/intervention at Stichting KOP, Breda.

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Gabriel Orozco

For Willem, obviously:


Gabriel Orozco, ‘Pendulum’ (19??)

Pendulum is an oval billiard table, with the middle ball swinging back and forth, suspended from a string.



‘Ping pond table’ (1998)

The ping pond table is a lily pond, surrounded by ping pong fields.


Opening Willem Claassen @ Galerie Gallery

Last Friday @ Galerie Gallery was the opening of Willem Claassen‘s show! Here are some very bad pictures of the evening, better pictures will follow on the website of Galerie Gallery!


Willem & Work.

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Egill Sæbjörnsson

Egill Sæbjörnsson, ‘Ping pong dance’ (2006)

Constant Dullaart

‘Youtube as a sculpture’ (2009) by Constant Dullaart.

Also check this: and disease disco

Willem Claassen @ Galerie Gallery

willem aankondiging

Tomorrow, Friday the 18th, Galerie Gallery will be showing a brand spanking new work by Willem Claassen. Come and see it!

Michel de Broin

nuit blanche - michel de broin

nuit blanche - michel de broin2

Michel de Broin, ‘Nuit Blanche’ (2009)

The largest mirror ball ever made was suspended from a construction crane 50 meters above the ground to render the starry sky to the citizens of Paris for one night in the Jardin du Luxembourg during the Nuit Blanche event.


Samuel Zealey

Afbeelding 1

Samuel Zealey, ‘Inverting suction’, 2008