Tag Archives: video

Michael Robinson

Michael Robinson, ‘Victory over the sun’ (2007)

Dormant sites of past World’s Fairs breed an eruptive struggle between spirit and matter, ego and industry, futurism and failure.

David Hall

David Hall

David Hall, ‘Tap piece’ from TV Interruptions (1971)

This is one of ten ‘TV Interruptions’ broadcast on Scottish Television unannounced and without credit in 1971.

Watch here

Cory Arcangel

Two Keystoned Projectors (one upside down)« (2007coryarcangel

‘Two Keystoned Projectors (one upside down)’ (2007) by Cory Arcangel

Susan Hiller


Susan Hiller‘s installation ‘Channels’ at Matt’s Gallery, London (2013)

Watch here

In ‘Channels’, Hiller uses audio accounts in many languages from people who believe they have experienced death as the raw materials for her new work. Vivid stories of those who believe they have died and returned to tell the tale constitute a remarkable contemporary archive, whether the accounts are regarded as metaphors, misperceptions, myths, delusions or truth.

Sagi Groner


Sagi Groner, ‘Misshapen’ (2006)

Composed entirely of images found in the internet, Misshapen is a meditation on vision technologies and the philosophy of precision.

Bas Jan Ader

Bas Jan Ader – Broken fall (Organic), 1971

Bas Jan Ader, ‘Broken fall (Geometric)’ (1971)

Christian Marclay

‘Telephones’ (1995) by Christian Marclay

John Baldessari

Baldessari-Tetrad Series- All Getting On Together, 1999

John Baldessari, ‘All Getting On Together’ (1999) from the ‘Tetrad Series’.

Mircea Cantor


‘Wind Orchestra’ (2012) by Mircea Cantor. Watch video here.

Thomas Geiger


ThomasGeiger_Handperformances copy

‘Handperformances’ (2013-ongoing) by Thomas Geiger

A series of videos that show Geiger’s hands re-enacting situations he’s been in or things that he has seen.