Tag Archives: bas jan ader

Piet Mondrian


Piet Mondrian, ‘Lighthouse in Westkapelle’ (1909)

Bas Jan Ader

Bas Jan Ader – Broken fall (Organic), 1971

Bas Jan Ader, ‘Broken fall (Geometric)’ (1971)

Bas Jan Ader


Bas Jan Ader, ‘Primary Time’ (1974)

stills from silent film

Bas Jan Ader

Bas Jan Ader

‘All my clothes’ (Los Angeles)’ (1970) by Bas Jan Ader

Piero Golia




‘Postcards from the edge’, by Piero Golia, is a series of custom made woven blankets, picturing landscapes of a mythical journey through America, and the only reminders of his vanishing experience.

On January 14, 2005, Piero Golia vanished in New York. He reappeared three weeks later, on the morning of February 7, at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. Between those two dates, he left absolutely no track of himself, crossing borders illegally, travelling without any trackable means of payment, thus living the adventurous life of a fugitive and referencing Bas Jan Ader’s legendary disappearance in 1975.

Bas Jan Ader

‘Fall I’ (1970) by Bas Jan Ader.

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