Tag Archives: lines

Aerial view of a public cemetery in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China


An aerial view of a public cemetery in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.

Richard Tuttle

turbulence chair_richard tuttle

‘Turbulence Chair’ (2003) by Richard Tuttle.

Christoph Ruckhäberle

Christoph Ruckhaeberle L'Emmerdeur Futuriste no.10 (2009)

Christoph Ruckhäberle, ‘L’Emmerdeur Futuriste #10’ (2009)

Robert Delaunay

Robert Delaunay - Political Drama - 1938

Robert Delaunay, ‘Political Drama’ (1938)

Matteo Rubbi



Matteo Rubbi, ‘River (Eridanus)’ (2013)

Eridu was an ancient city in south Mesopotamia along the Euphrates, one of the first cities ever. Eridanus was a small river close to Athens, and it was the old name of the Po. It was said that Eridanus was the Nile or Ganges. Eridanus is a constellation about a mythical river, a sort of old paradigm for all the rivers.

Gunta Stölzl


Gunta Stölzl, ‘Jacquardentwürfe’ (‘design for a Jacquard woven textile’) (1927).

Carsten Nicolai

Carsten Nicolai moire E2, 2010

Carsten Nicolai moire S2, 2010

‘Moiré E2’ and ‘Moiré S2’ (2010), by Carsten Nicolai.

Ballpoint on paper.

Lucie Rie


By Lucie Rie.

Thomas Rentmeister

thomasrentmeister_Classic No. 2, 2012

‘Classic No. 2’ (2012) by Thomas Rentmeister

Charlotte Posenenske

Charlotte Posenenske Streifenbild (Striped Picture), c. 1962

Charlotte Posenenske, ‘Streifenbild (Striped Picture)’ (c. 1962)