Tag Archives: imitation

Didier Faustino

Didier-Faustino, Opus incertum-2014

‘Opus Incertum’ (2008) by Didier Faustino.

Plinth for recreating Yves Klein’s ‘Leap into the Void’.

Marcel Broodthaers

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 02

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 01

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 04

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 03

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Décor: A Conquest’ (2013)

Installation at Michael Werner Gallery, London.

Rineke Dijkstra

Rineke Dijkstra, Ruth Drawing Picasso, Tate Liverpool, 2009

Rineke Dijkstra, ‘Ruth Drawing Picasso’ (2009)

Charlotte Posenenske

Charlotte Posenenske, Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes), 1967_2009

Charlotte Posenenske, Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes), 1967_2009-2

Charlotte Posenenske, ‘Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes)’ (1967-2009)

Sol Lewitt



Sol Lewitt, ‘Wall Drawing #797’

Instructions: The first drafter has a black marker and makes an irregular horizontal line near the top of the wall. Then the second drafter tries to copy it (without touching it) using a red marker. The third drafter does the same, using a yellow marker. The fourth drafter does the same using a blue marker. Then the second drafter followed by the third and fourth copies the last line drawn until the bottom of the wall is reached.

Patrizio Di Massimo


Patrizio Di Massimo, ‘Tripolis’ (2008)

Song-Ming Ang

song-ming ang_justin_edit


Song-Ming Ang, ‘Justin’ (2012)

The work Justin (2012) includes paper sheets with Song-Ming’s “practice versions” of Justin Bieber’s signature, made over a three-month period, and a final perfected autograph on a Bieber poster.

Gal Weinstein

galweinsteinHuleh Valley, 2005-1

galweinsteinHuleh Valley, 2005-2 carved mdf detail

Gal Weinstein, ‘Huleh Valley’ (2005)

Carved MDF

Lucy McKenzie




Lucy McKenzie, ‘Fascist Bathroom’ (2012)


VLF (Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux), ‘Homme ecoutant le sol’ (2012)