Tag Archives: language

Isabelle Pauwels


Isabelle Pauwels, ‘It’s like another planet…’ from ‘In it for the Lifestyle’ (2013)

Eric van Hove


Eric van Hove, ‘Exonomie’ (2010)

A recomposition of an original bookshelf (Section 2A) which disappeared some 40 years ago during the splitting of the Universiteit Leuven following the franco-dutch linguistic separatist movement in Belgium in 1971.

1000 borrowed books from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) and 1000 books borrowed from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL).

Ana Navas




Ana Navas, ‘Yet far more often than these text based pieces, one would play pure melodies on the mouth organ (version II)’ (2013)

Based on descriptions of audio guides from ethnographic museums, 10 objects are created out of paper napkins. The originals remain unseen; the reconstruction relies only on the information heard.

Christian Marclay



Christian Marclay, ‘Mixed Reviews (American Sign LAnguage)’ (2006)

This video takes writing about music as its theme, and depicts American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter Jonathan Kovacs signing a long, collaged text made by Marclay from reviews of musical performances and records.

Luis Camnitzer

luis_camnitzer-Garden Wall Door Table 1968

Luis Camnitzer, ‘Garden Wall Door Table’ (1968)

Micah Lexier

Micah Lexier, Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order), 2004

‘Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order)’ (2004), a personalized handout by Micah Lexier.

Janice Kerbel




Janice Kerbel, from the ‘Remarkable’ series (2007)

Faintgirl, Double Attraction, Crystal and Blindspot and Regur­gi­tat­ing Lady

Silkscreen print on cam­paign poster paper, each 107 x 158 cm

Luis Camnitzer

luis_camnitzer-This is a mirror.You are a written sentence-1966

Luis Camnitzer, ‘This is a mirror. You are a written sentence’ (1966)

Luis Camnitzer

Camnitzer Luis

Luis Camnitzer, ‘La Fotografía’ (1981)

William Michael Harnett


William Michael Harnett, ‘The artist’s letter rack’ (1879)