Cycladic statue (2700–2300 BC) of the Keros culture. Head from the figure of a woman.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged aegean sea, ancient, anonymous, archaeology, body, collection, cycladic art, DIY, face, female, figure, found, head, keros, marble, nose, pale, portrait, romance, sculpture, statue, stone, the wild, unknown, woman

Charlotte Posenenske, ‘Streifenbild (Striped Picture)’ (c. 1962)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged blue, Charlotte Posenenske, collection, daub, DIY, elements, german, grey, lines, minimalist, paint, painting, paper, recognisable, straight, streifenbild, striped picture, structure, system, unknown, white, yellow

Olga Rozanova, ‘Explosion in a Trunk’ and ‘Destruction of Gardens’ from Universal War, an artist book by Aleksei Kruchenykh (1916)
‘Battle of the Futurist and the Ocean’ (~1916)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 20th century, 2d, Aleksei Kruchenykh, avant-garde, collage, debated, destruction, explosion, futurism, gardens, olga rozanova, pictorial zaum, poetic zaum, russian, trunk, war, World War I
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged 3d, american, blob, clay, computer, digital, DIY, fingerprints, fuckem, identity, image, individual, influence, matter, model, mould, nate hess, product, real, rotate, sculpture, shape, still, thingness, touch, trash, unknown, virtual

Phyllida Barlow, ‘Object for the television’ (1994)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged adorn, appliance, bunny, distract, DIY, ears, fuckem, fun, happy, light, object, obstruct, opposite, organical, Phyllida Barlow, plaster, pods, sculpture, seeds, shapes, technological, television, the wild, trash, unknown, weird, white

Gregory Polony, Untitled (6 Sockel) (2010)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged 6, collection, DIY, exhibition, fuckem, fun, furniture, gregory polony, pedestals, plinths, sculpture, sockel, switzerland, the wild, untitled, white, work, zürich

Valérie Mannaerts, from the series ‘If travel is searching and home what’s been found’ (2009)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged animism, beach, belgium, concrete, dogs, fun, oostende, ostend, public art, public space, sand, sculpture, sea, the wild, Valérie Mannaerts

Ad Rheinhardt in his studio.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged absolute, Ad Rheinhardt, black, collection, color, DIY, fuckem, muur, New York, nothing, painter, photograph, plane, representation, square, total, unknown, wall

‘Prototype for Revolving Vane’ (1967-’68) by Charlotte Posenenske
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, Charlotte Posenenske, closed, DIY, fuckem, house, installation, opened, prototype, revolving, room, sculpture, small, space, structure, unknown, vane, wall, wooden

‘Bill Clinton – Antichrist?‘ one of the unsuccessful kickstarter campaigns.
Kickended, a project by Silvio Lorusso, is an archive of Kickstarter’s $0-pledged campaigns.
Kickended is the place where campaigns with no backers live a second life. Free from the pressure of money raising, these retain the purity of abstract ideas.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged archive, Bill clinton, campaign, crowd, crowdfunding, fail, idea, internet, kickended, kickstarter, money, Second life, Silvio Lorusso, unsuccesful