Tag Archives: female

Matt Johnson


Matt Johnson, ‘Odalisque’ (2010)

Tom Burr

Tom Burr-Nylon-Nude-2010-cast-iron-radiator-painted-plywood-base-nylon-stockings-122-x-95-x-95-cm

Tom Burr, ‘Nylon Nude’ (2010)

Cast iron radiator and nylon stockings.

Janine Antoni

Janine Antoni Crowned, 2013-1

Janine Antoni Crowned, 2013

Janine Antoni, ‘Crowned’ (2013)


Cycladic statue 2700–2300 BC. Head from the figure of a woman

Cycladic statue (2700–2300 BC) of the Keros culture. Head from the figure of a woman.

Paul, Herman, and Jean de Limbourg


Folio 184v, a page from the ‘Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry’ (1405–1409), which is assumed to be painted by the Limbourg brothers Paul, Herman, and Jean de Limbourg (and their assistants). In this part of the manuscript, the story of St. Jerome, an Illyrian Latin Christian priest, confessor, theologian and historian best known for writing the Latin translation of the Holy Bible, is told.

A prank is played on the pious Jerome: in the dark of night, another monk steals into the saint’s cell and replaces his habit with a woman’s dress. The saint, waking in the pre-dawn hour of Matins, puts on the dress and goes into the church, where the seated monks whisper at the scandal of seeing Jerome, beard and all, in the blue dress of a lady.

Pablo Picasso


A drawing by Pablo Picasso.

Photograph by Jaring Dürst Britt.

Gertrude Quastler

Gertrude Quastler_Polly and MacHeath, circa 1960

Gertrude Quastler, ‘Polly and MacHeath’ (circa 1960)

Louise Lawler


‘Birdcalls’ (1972) by Louise Lawler.

Louise Lawler transformed each name of a male contemporary artist into a specific birdcall and recorded the sound. Listen to them here.

Marianne Wex

BKV_MarianneWex_Kîrpersprache_Buch_Seite_120-800x651 BKV_MarianneWex_Koerpersprache_Book_Page_082-800x646

From the book ‘Let’s Take Back Our Space: “Female” and “Male” Body Language as a Result of Patriarchal Structures’ by Marianne Wex  (1979)

Bethan Huws

Bethan Huws, Untitled (NU DESCENDANT UN ESCALIER) (2004 – 2006)