Tag Archives: yellow

Gwen John

A Birdcage (House in a Landscape)-1920s-Gwen John

‘A Birdcage (House in a Landscape)’ (1920s), by Gwen John.

John Gibbons

The Awaiting 1991-2 John Gibbons born 1949 Purchased with assistance from Tom Bendhem 1998 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T07443

‘The Awaiting’ (1991-92) by John Gibbons.

Olivier Millagou


‘Sand Tiki’ by Olivier Millagou.

Stuart Hawkins

Stuart Hawkins Place Setting-2010

Stuart Hawkins, ‘Place Setting’ (2010)

David Stamp

davidstamp_Whats Inside You Wants You Eaten (2012, c-print)

David Stamp, ‘What’s inside you wants you eaten’ (2012)

Marcel Broodthaers

1969 Minuit, Mar­cel Broodthaers

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Minuit’ (1969)

Part of a series enti­tled ‘Indus­trial Poems,’ ‘Minuit’ is made of a ther­mally shaped plas­tic sheet, making it pos­si­ble to repro­duce infinite copies of the same thing.

Richard Wentworth

Yellow Eight 1985 by Richard Wentworth born 1947

Richard Wentworth, ‘Yellow Eight’ (1985)

Christoph Ruckhäberle

Christoph Ruckhaeberle L'Emmerdeur Futuriste no.10 (2009)

Christoph Ruckhäberle, ‘L’Emmerdeur Futuriste #10’ (2009)

Ed van der Elsken

Ed van der Elsken, Amsterdam, 1973-1975

Ed van der Elsken, ‘Amsterdam, 1973-1975’ (1975)

Charlotte Posenenske

Charlotte Posenenske Streifenbild (Striped Picture), c. 1962

Charlotte Posenenske, ‘Streifenbild (Striped Picture)’ (c. 1962)