Tag Archives: wind

Jeff Wall

Jeff Wall‘s ‘A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai)’ (1993)

David Shrigley

‘One day a big wind will come and…’ by David Shrigley

Eric Von Robertson

Eric Von Robertson | C.A.R.L., ‘Gentle Load’


Afbeelding 4

Poly-Xelor, ‘Klima-Kontrolle’ (Video here)

Zilvinas Kempinas

‘Double O’ (2008) by Zilvinas Kempinas.

Tom Hillewaere

‘La Valse Sentimentale’ by Tom Hillewaere. (2006, I believe…)

Frederik van Simaey

‘Hard Brake (2008) by Frederik van Simaey.

Pierre Ardouvin


Pierre Ardouvin, ‘Tout l’univers’ (2004)

Installation on a table, featuring a plant in a pot, a fish in a bowl and a bird in a cage.

Patrick Swayze (RIP)

‘She’s like the wind’ (1987) by Patrick Swayze (*1952 – †14 sept 2009).

See also the post ‘Jack Falanga‘ from a few days ago.