Richard Wentworth, ‘South East Spain, 2007’ (2013)
Tag Archives: paper
Leo Fitzmaurice
Leo Fitzmaurice, ‘I knew you all along’ (2005)
Installation with leftover flyers at Firstsite, Colchester.
Jack Strange
Jack Strange, ‘Keep Going, Keep Growing, Keep Cutting, Keep Swimming’ (2009)
Framed artist’s nail clippings on paper.
Ana Navas
Ana Navas, ‘Yet far more often than these text based pieces, one would play pure melodies on the mouth organ (version II)’ (2013)
Based on descriptions of audio guides from ethnographic museums, 10 objects are created out of paper napkins. The originals remain unseen; the reconstruction relies only on the information heard.
‘The Continuous Monument: On the River, project, Perspective’ (1969)
‘The Continuous Monument: On the Rocky Coast, project, Perspective’ (1969)
by Superstudio.