Tag Archives: boat

Hans-Peter Feldmann


Hans-Peter Feldmann, ‘A Story’.

Lt. Francis Meynell

The Slave Deck of the Albaroz, Prize to the Albatross-1845

Pencil and watercolor by Lt. Francis Meynell, “Slave deck of the Albaroz, Prize to the Albatross, 1845”, shows Africans liberated by the British Navy. The Albanez (erroneously identified as Albaroz) was a Brazilian vessel, captured by the Royal Navy ship, Albatross, off the mouth of the Coanza/Cuanza River (in present-day Angola) in 1845. Meynell was mate on the Albatross, captained at the time by Reginald Yorke. According to the NMM records, the Albatross was commissioned in 1842 and cruised African waters until 1849.

Barcaccia Fountain


The Barcaccia fountain in Rome (1629 by Pietro Bernini) after being visited by Feijenoord football supporters in February 2015.

Ragnar Kjartansson


‘S.S. Hangover’ (2013) by Ragnar Kjartansson at the Venice Biennale 2013.

The S.S. Hangover sails between two landings in the canal in the Arsenale. The boat will drop off the musicians one at a time, with each left to play alone on the pier as the boat sails away with the rest of the musicans still playing onboard, only to be picked up a round or two later and replaced by another musician in a continuous loop.

Adrian Paci




‘The Column’ (2013) by Adrian Paci.

A video installation following a piece of marble getting carved out of a rock in China and traveling to the exhibition space in Paris. On the boat, during the trip, the marble stone gets transformed into a classical column by Chinese sculptors. The column is then presented outside of the exhibition space, while the video of the journey is presented inside.

Koki Tanaka

I considered the title of this work but it never come up. Following things could be related to the title.

1) I love to go out from the exhibition space because of BankART facing the sea.

2)There are so many trashes which some artists made and showed as art work before in BankART.

3) I want to make a raft using those trashes.

4) I think it’s not a question that the raft float on water or not but it’s good to be floating there.

(2007) Koki Tanaka.

Allora & Calzadilla

‘Under Discussion’ (2005) by Allora & Calzadilla.

Ethan Hayes-Chute

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   Shopping Cart

Ascii art by Ethan Hayes-Chute.

Bernard Gigounon

Bernard Gigounon, ‘Prelude’ (2003)

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Julien Bismuth


Julien Bismuth, ‘The saddest funniest sculpture in the world’ (2007)

The saddest funniest sculpture in the world’ – Performance.


‘The saddest funniest sculpture in the world’ – Installation view.

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