Live event at Tate Britain, London. Strapped together and reaching the same proportions as its sculptural counter-part (by Jacob Epstein), Leckey’s speaker stack explores the space in sonic equivalence to the solidity of the form in front of of it. Occasional emissions of largely appropriated sounds address the mass as if to probe and interrogate it in a manner that suggests it is trying to understand it, testing it out. When utilised for performance the sounds hit rib-rumbling low ends at ear-ringing volume.
‘Samson’s push, or No. VI / Composition No.II’ (2011) by Ryan Gander.
A pillar made from custom coloured LACK Ikea side tables. The colours correspond to the colours and area of the painting ‘Piet Mondrian – No. VI / Composition No.II, 1920, Oil on canvas, 1163 x 1163 x 62 mm, Purchased 1967 by the Tate collection’.
Starling dismantled a shed and turned it into a boat. He loaded the boat with the remains of the shed, the boat was paddled down the Rhine to a museum in Basel, dismantled and re-made into a shed.