Tag Archives: stick

Özlem Altin




Özlem Altin, ‘No Story, No’ (2015)

Lightbox installation for Witte de With CCA, Rotterdam.

Michael Hurley

michael hurley-shooting-pool

Drawing by Michael Hurley.

David Rickard

2015_we are all astronauts_06

‘We are all Astronauts’

2015_we are all astronauts_03

‘We are all Astronauts’ (French Polynesia) (2014-2015) by David Rickard.

Four corners, made of local sticks and string, placed on opposite spots in the world.

John Smith


‘Dad’s Stick’ (2012) by John Smith.

“Dad’s Stick features three well-used objects that my father showed me shortly before he died. Two of these were so steeped in history that their original forms and functions were almost completely obscured.” Watch extract on vimeo:

B. Wurtz

B.Wurtz-Untitled, 1997

B. Wurtz, Untitled (1997)

Jan Hoeft



Jan Hoeft, ‘Lange Latte’ (2009)


Tinka Pittoors


‘Botanic Toy’ by Tinka Pittoors

Kris van Dessel

Kris van Dessel, ‘Distance slide 39’ (2012)

Glue on slide, mounted on the artist’s bike, every time he biked from his studio to his home.

Part of an ongoing series.

Urs Fischer

Urs Fischer, ‘Noisette’ (2009)

Mauro Cerqueira

‘O cego e a cicade’ (2011) by Mauro Cerqueira