Tag Archives: local

David Rickard

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‘We are all Astronauts’

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‘We are all Astronauts’ (French Polynesia) (2014-2015) by David Rickard.

Four corners, made of local sticks and string, placed on opposite spots in the world.

Jef Geys

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Jef Geys, pages from ‘Kempens Informatieblad ‘ (1971-2013)

Since 1971, Jef Geys has been publishing the newspaper Kempens Informatieblad which was a local publication in Kempen, Belgium. Geys prints and distributes Kempens house-to-house, and often produces them in line with his exhibitions.

A more recent edition : Warande (2013)

Laurence Hamburger

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Laurence Hamburger, ‘Frozen Chicken Train Wreck (co-published by Chopped Liver Press and Ditto Press 2013)

“I began collecting South African tabloid posters in 2008 with no other purpose than to preserve them. I thought they were funny, clever and true. Composed in a local vernacular of shebeen English, these statements are part of the texture of our urban fabric; so familiar as to almost disappear. The newspapers themselves were not keeping an archive, and however ephemeral they might seem I thought there was a relevance in them that was not being recognised; something uniquely South African.”

Warren Neidich




Warren Neidich, ‘Book exchange’ (2010)

Neidich designed this rotating book shelf to hold all the books Sarah Palin supposedly wanted censored from her local library in Wasilla Alaska. All these books were bought off the internet and placed on the shelf. The members of the community were sent an invite to come to the gallery carrying a red book which they were asked to exchange for one of the shelved books. When all the books have been exchanged for and the work becomes a red monochrome the work is completed.