Projectors by Jak Peters, as presented at galerie Gallery in 2009.
Tag Archives: Galerie Gallery
Galerie Gallery @ Art Amsterdam presents: Galerie Gallery LIVE at Art Amsterdam!
With a live webcam connection at the Trendbeheer stand.
Opening tomorrow, but the webcam connection is already online. More info soon!
Galerie Gallery @ Kunstvlaai / Artpie
Galerie Gallery presents at the Kunstvlaai / Artpie, Amsterdam.
Jan Huijben
Michiel Huijben
Simon Kentgens
Hedwig Houben
A small platform provides an overview of the artscene from up high. When you’re up you get a private performance/lecture by Hedwig Houben!
These are photo’s of the opening yesterday. Go see this until may 23!
More photo’s: Read More
Opening Nikki Koole @ Galerie Gallery
Nikki Koole on the keyboard…
Saturday April 3, Galerie Gallery: Opening of the exhibition by Nikki Koole. Pictures of the opening here!
Opening Willem Claassen @ Galerie Gallery
Last Friday @ Galerie Gallery was the opening of Willem Claassen‘s show! Here are some very bad pictures of the evening, better pictures will follow on the website of Galerie Gallery!
Willem & Work.
Willem Claassen @ Galerie Gallery
Tomorrow, Friday the 18th, Galerie Gallery will be showing a brand spanking new work by Willem Claassen. Come and see it!
Hedwig Houben @ Galerie Gallery
Just to remind you all:
Tomorrow, Friday the 6th, is the opening of Hedwig Houben‘s show @ Galerie Gallery. We would like to invite you all to come to the opening and see new work by Hedwig. Also, she will be doing a live performance, so don’t be late!
Opening @ Galerie Gallery, from 18.30hrs on. Dordtselaan 27e, Rotterdam. (close to metro Maashaven). More info here…
April 3rd: Nikki Koole @ Galerie Gallery
Nikki Koole, ‘Neukmannetjes’ (2005)
An application that generates a simplified version of the game of seduction..
It starts with two babies, one male, one female. Once adults, they wander around the screen until they bump into eachother. They then have intercourse, after which the male leaves and the woman gives birth. Her baby will grow up, and enter the game.. This is repeated until the screen is fully filled with inhabitants, when everything collapses and the process starts over.
Nikki Koole will be presenting new works at Galerie Gallery tomorrow, Saturday the 3rd of April. You are welcome to join our festivities from 18.30hrs.