Tag Archives: alphabet

Bethan Huws

bethan_huws_Untitled (Do you think I should order …), 2013

Bethan Huws, Untitled (Do you think I should order …) (2013)

Micah Lexier

Micah Lexier, Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order), 2004

‘Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order)’ (2004), a personalized handout by Micah Lexier.

William Michael Harnett


William Michael Harnett, ‘The artist’s letter rack’ (1879)

Peter Coffin

‘Alphabet Rainbow’ (2014) by Peter Coffin.

Robert Cumming

robert cumming-shaving cream alphabet 1970

‘Shaving cream alphabet’ (1970) by Robert Cumming

Mark Geffriaud


Mark Geffriaud, ‘Alpabeth’ (2007)

The letters of all the alphabets in use on earth today were mixed up together and reclassified according to their shape, in this way designing an evolving wallpaper pattern.

Tauba Auerbach

‘Alphabetized Bible’ (2006) by Tauba Auerbach.

John Baldessari

It’s him again.

John Baldessari, ‘Teaching a plant the alphabet (excerpt)’ (1972)

Martha Rosler

Semiotics of the Kitchen‘ (1975) by Martha Rosler.