Monthly Archives: May 2015

Jacob Dwyer


Jacob Dwyer, ‘PAULALIEN KNOWS BEST’ (2015) as installed at Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam.

Binaural sound piece; should be listened to using headphones.

Ignas Krunglevicius


‘Daemons Mouth’ (2015) by Ignas Krunglevicius.

A page from the diary of schizophrenic young man is read by
a text-to-speech robot.

Heather Phillipson

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Heather Phillipson, still from ‘SERIOUS TRACTION’, online commission for Opening Times (2015)

Watch here:

Riley Harmon


Riley Harmon, ‘What it is without the hand that wields it’ (2008)

As gamers die in a public video game server of a modified version of Counter-strike, a popular online first person shooter, the electronic solenoid valves dispense a small amount of fake blood. The trails left down the wall create a physical manifestation of virtual kills, bridging the two realities. The title is inspired by the Telefon Tel Aviv song of the same name.

Etienne-Jules Marey



Etienne-Jules Marey, from the series ‘Mouvements de l’air’ (Movements of air)

In 1901, the French scientist, physiologist and chronophotographer built a smoke machine with 58 smoke trails, in order to study movements of air.

Fernando Ortega

Fernando Ortega, 15 Squeaks Less, 2004-1

Fernando Ortega, 15 Squeaks Less, 2004-2

Fernando Ortega, ’15 squeaks less’ (2004)

Bruce Nauman


Bruce Nauman, ‘Green Light Corridor’ (1970)

Carlito Carvalhosa

carlito carvalhosa melhor assim, 2010

Carlito Carvalhosa, ‘Melhor Assim’ (2010)

Robert Irwin



Robert Irwin, ‘Untitled (Acrylic Column)’ (1969-2011)

acrylic, 473.7 cm x 22.9 cm x 8.9 cm

Antoine Catala


Antoine Catala, ‘HDDH’ (2010)