Monthly Archives: December 2014

Lieke Snellen


‘Business in Motion’ (2012) by Lieke Snellen

Mary Miss

mary miss awning 66

Mary Miss, ‘Awning’ (1966)

Luciano Fabro

LucianoFabro_Attaccapanni, 1978

Luciano Fabro, ‘Attaccapanni’ (1978)

Mike Pratt

Mike Pratt, 2 Flutes and a Violin, 2014

Mike Pratt, ‘2 Flutes and a Violin’ (2014)

Brad Troemel

BradTroemel_1 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014

BradTroemel_1 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round, 2014-2

Brad Troemel, ‘1 Fish, Flowers, 3 Crypto Vest Litecoins, 1 AOCS Copper Round’ (2014)

Anonymous Flemish artist

The panel below is what one would see when today’s diptych is closed.  The grinning gent holds a scroll that warns, “Leave this panel closed, otherwise you’ll be angry with me.”



Upon opening the diptych, the viewer is greeted with an ass shot of the cheeky man from the closed panel and opposite it, a fool who makes a hilarious gesture, mocking the viewer’s disobedience.



A scroll on the full-moon panel declares, “It’s not my fault because I warned you in advance!”  On the right panel, another scroll proclaims, “Moreover, we wanted to warn you so you wouldn’t jump out the window!”

The thistle protruding from the flasher’s undies is a symbol of pain, defense, and misanthropy.

By an unknown Flemish painter.

Walter Swennen


‘Spider (small)’ (2014) by Walter Swennen.

Michael Van den Abeele

michael van de abeele the clean man

Michael Van den Abeele, ‘de Heldere man (the Clear Man)’ (2008)