Andy Warhol, ‘Hammer and Sickle with Vibrator’ (1975)
Tag Archives: hands
Marcel Broodthaers
Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Minuit’ (1969)
Part of a series entitled ‘Industrial Poems,’ ‘Minuit’ is made of a thermally shaped plastic sheet, making it possible to reproduce infinite copies of the same thing.
Ken Burns
‘The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God’, a film by Ken Burns and Amy Stechler Burns.
They called themselves the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, but because of their ecstatic dancing, the world called them “Shakers.”
Thomas Geiger
‘Handperformances’ (2013-ongoing) by Thomas Geiger
A series of videos that show Geiger’s hands re-enacting situations he’s been in or things that he has seen.
Stuart Ringholt
Still from Stuart Ringholt’s ‘This person is dead’