Frances Johnston, ‘Making a Staircase’ (undated glass plate)
Ilan Averbuch, ‘Steps’ (2004)
‘Opus Incertum’ (2008) by Didier Faustino.
Plinth for recreating Yves Klein’s ‘Leap into the Void’.
‘Leavings #1’
‘Leavings #4’
‘Leavings #7’ by Sebastian Stumpf
Risograph by Helmut Smits.
The Japanese volcanic island of Aogashima.
‘Circle of Necessities (Halay)’ (2012), by Müge Yilmaz.
Adam Cruces, ‘Lost & Found’
Megarave, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Langenthal, CH
Robert Watts, ‘Table with Two Wine Glasses’ (1965)
Suprematist table & chair set by Nikolai Suetin, from 1924.