Monthly Archives: April 2012

Frederik Kunkel

‘White spots’ (2006) by Frederik Kunkel

33 cars of the same color parked in or driving around the city of München.


‘The Chase’ (2008) by Collectif-Fact

Sophie Calle

‘Suite Vénitienne’ (1980) by Sophie Calle

‘For months I followed strangers in the street. For the pleasure of following them, not because they particularly interested me. I photographed them without their knowledge, took note of their movements, then finally lost sight of them and forgot them.

At the end of January 1980, on the streets of Paris, I followed a man whom I lost sight of a few minutes later in the crowd. That very evening, by chance, he was introduced to me at an opening. During the course of our conversation, he told me he was planning an imminent trip to Venice.’

Suddenly, the narrator decided to join him. The next morning, armed with a camera and a blonde wig, she took the train to Venice, where she discovered where he was staying, then shadowed him, taking photographs where she could.

Manuel Goliath

‘Entering The Life Of Others’ by Manuel Goliath

Series in which the artist performs with passed out strangers.

Sebastian Stumpf

Stills from the series ‘Tiefgaragen’ (2008) by Sebastian Stumpf

Cezary Bodzianowski


Cezary Bodzianowski, ‘Boa gun’ (2008)

Joe Grimm

Joe Grimm, ‘Bisected Fan II’ (2009)

Fischli & Weiss

Peter Fischli & David Weiss, ‘Son et lumiere (Le rayon vert)’ (1990)

Thanks, Diana!

Robert Mapplethorpe

Robert Mapplethorpe, ‘Hand in Fire’ (1985)

Jon Sasaki

‘An attempt to selflessly eradicate one’s individual identity’ (2006) by Jon Sasaki