Tag Archives: upside

Joan Jonas

Joan Jonas Mirror Piece

Joan Jonas, ‘Mirror Piece’ (1969)

Stijn van Dorpe

Stijn van Dorpe, ‘Clio’ (2009)

Together with a teacher and the students of a local technical secondary school, Van Dorpe worked towards an image that translated the power and energy of both the low budget exhibition initiative and the youngsters. A black Renault Clio was turned upside down and the necessary adjustments were made to enable the car to keep on running, however without moving forward. During a performance at the opening night of the exhibition, the physical power that the car developed was shown as a dynamic spectacle – accompanied by a drummer and T-shirts printed with technical details of the car.

Dennis Oppenheim

Dennis Oppenheim, ‘Device to root out evil’ (1997)

Gwenael Belanger

‘L’Hameçon’ (‘Hook’) (2008) by Gwenaël Bélanger

Timm Ulrichs

Timm Ulrichs, ‘Auf der Unterseite der Erdoberflaeche (Kopfstehendes Hohlkoerper-Denkmal II)’ (‘On the bottom of the earth’s surface (Hollow body monument standing upside down II)’)

Juliane Eirich

Juliane Eirich, from the series ‘Korea Diary’ (2007-2008)

Stijn van Dorpe

Stijn van Dorpe, ‘Beeldhorizon’ (2011)

Michelangelo Pistoletto

‘Upside down furniture’ (1976) by Michelangelo Pistoletto

Aldo Gianotti

‘An angle of 180 degrees is a straight line or half a circle’ (2007) by Aldo Giannotti

The artist’s mother hanging upside-down.