Tag Archives: reversed

Timm Ulrichs

Timm Ulrichs, ‘Auf der Unterseite der Erdoberflaeche (Kopfstehendes Hohlkoerper-Denkmal II)’ (‘On the bottom of the earth’s surface (Hollow body monument standing upside down II)’)

Robert Barta


‘Egarag’ (2003-2004) by Robert Barta. Watch video (with nice actor!).

Tony Romano


‘Trial of Judas With Constant Reference to Dorothy Retallack’ (2007), by Tony Romano.

Two tomato plants exposed to the infamous Judas Priest record ‘Stained Class’, one played backwards and one forwards. 

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Breaking the law – Wal eht gnikaerb

But they did come up with this…

Judas Priest and Tseirp Saduj