Tag Archives: sea

Pablo Wendel

Pablo Wendel is the last artist we will announce for the show ‘I want to believe’, which is taking place next on Saturday the 15th of September, 19.30hrs at NS16, NS-plein 16 in Tilburg. It will be a great evening with even better performances, so don’t miss it, make sure you are in time!

For more info:


Facebook event page

Simona Rota

Simona Rota, ‘Instant village’, Tenerife Island, Canaries (2010)

Wim T. Schippers

Wim T. Schippers empties a bottle of Gazeuse lemonade in the sea at Petten, NL (1961)


William Stone

William Stone, ‘Spilled to the sea’ (2011)

Philippe Ramette

Philippe Ramette, ‘Rational exploration of the undersea – irrational walk’ (2006)

Gerard Byrne

Work from “Case Study – Loch Ness (Some possibilities and problems)” (2001-2011) by Gerard Byrne

Theo Angelopoulos

Fragment from the movie ‘Landscape in the mist’ (1988) by Theo Angelopoulos

Julianne Swartz

‘(Moon Ocean)’ (2007) and ‘(Sunset Blue)’ (2007), from the ‘Placements’ series by Julianne Swartz

Katerina Drzková

‘Tropical Beach’ (2007) (found postcards) by Katerina Drzková.

Katerina Drzkova has been systematically collecting pairs of the same picture-postcards from the 1960s to the 1980s. These postcards are never identical. They usually differ in several details in the picture. In ‘Tropical Beach’ a time shift of several minutes is visible. On each postcard a different photographer is stated; the post offices and the times when the postcards were sent are also varying. The addressee is the same person.



Adam Chodzko

Adam Chodzko, ‘Corner’ (2007)

Made for the exhibition ‘Gallery Exchange’ at Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt am Main.

Thank you, Jason!