Barbara Bloom, ‘Corner: Italian garden II’ (1998)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, architecture, Barbara Bloom, collage, colors, columns, corner, corridor, garden, green, inside, italian, middle, outside, photograph, romance, space, split, USA, yellow, zone

Alec Soth, from ‘Lake Superior’ (2012)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alec soth, America, cola, collection, cups, DIY, flower, found, fuckem, fun, grow, installation, lake superior, nature, pepsi, photograph, photography, pole, pollution, public art, romance, stack, the wild, trash, unknown, USA, water

Frederick Childe Hassam, ‘Spring morning in the heart of the city’ (1890)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, architecture, avenue, buildings, carriages, city, frederick childe hassam, impressionist, industrial, landscape, light, nature, painting, people, romance, scene, street, unknown, USA

Model for Yona Friedman‘s ‘Ville Spatiale’.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, city, conceptual, design, france, grid, idealism, israel, mesh, modular, place, romance, spatial, structure, theory, together, unknown, urbanism, ville spatiale, wire, yona friedman

Costantino di Sambuy, ‘Battle of the Generic’ (2012)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, black, capitalism, chain, Costantino di Sambuy, critique, design, drawing, egenric, fuckem, fun, grid, italy, sameness, stores, structure, theory, unknown, white

Tijmen van Dijk‘s photograph of a Dutch goverment building in Groningen in ruins.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, concrete, design, found, fuckem, goverment, groningen, levels, modern, photograph, purpose, ruin, stack, structure, tiers, Tijmen van Dijk, tower, unknown, use

The Consortium for Slower Internet, ‘Nodes’
Discarded consumer wifi routers.
The principles for Slower Internet:
– Duration
– Defamiliarization
– Autonomy
– Divergence
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged abandoned, America, collection, consumer, defamiliarize, design, DIY, duration, form, found, fun, internet, nodes, online, products, routers, shape, slowness, speed, technology, The Consortium for Slower Internet, unknown, USA, wifi, wireless

‘Intercommunication Devices’ (2008) by Bani Abidi.
Intercommunication devices on 13th Street, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi, Pakistan.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 13th street, Bani Abidi, communication, defence, devices, fence, house, Karachi, pakistan, private, public