Tag Archives: poetry

Eugene Lesser

Schermafbeelding 2014-03-19 om 11.30.53

‘A palindrome is a pal indeed’ (1991), book of poetry by Eugene Lesser

Sol Lewitt



Sol Lewitt, ‘Wall Drawing #797’

Instructions: The first drafter has a black marker and makes an irregular horizontal line near the top of the wall. Then the second drafter tries to copy it (without touching it) using a red marker. The third drafter does the same, using a yellow marker. The fourth drafter does the same using a blue marker. Then the second drafter followed by the third and fourth copies the last line drawn until the bottom of the wall is reached.

Frank O’Hara

Frank O´Hara reading his poem “Having a coke with you” in his flat in New York in 1966, shortly before his accidental death.

Trisha Donnelly

trisha donnelly the hand that holds the desert down silver gelatin 2002

Trisha Donnelly, ‘The hand that holds the desert down’ (2002)

silver gelatin print

Christian Bök & Micah Lexier

micah lexier

Christian Bök & Micah Lexier, ‘Two Equal Texts’ (2007)

Ian Hamilton Finlay

[no title] 1983 by Ian Hamilton Finlay 1925-2006

no title (1983) by Ian Hamilton Finlay

Edith Dekyndt



Stills from ‘XY 02’ by Edith Dekyndt

Watch video extract here.

Kenneth Goldsmith


‘Kenneth Goldsmith sings Jean Baudrillard’, from the ‘Kenneth Goldsmith Sings Theory’ series by Kenneth Goldsmith

Ian Kiaer

Ian Kiaer, ‘Dumas project: large white offset’ (2010)

Sophie Tauber-Arp

Sophie Tauber-Arp and her sister, dressed in costumes that Tauber-Arp designed for an interpretive dance to a poem by Hugo Ball. (1916)