Tradition prescribes that an image of Buddha cannot be bought, only gifted.
‘Ontem, areias movediças’ (Yesterday, Quicksands), by Renata Lucas for documenta 2012.
An invisible pyramid structure spread across Kassel, with fragments of the corners in four basements of the C&A store, a parking garage, the Fridericianum and the Gebrüder-Grimm-House. Accompanied by videos in different locations along the lines showing Kassel as a dessert-city.
Thanks, Amelia Groom!
Flyer made by Jan Huijben, inspired by the xeroxed ads for African witch doctors that he often found in his mailbox. (2005)
‘Madonna della Scodella’ (2012) by Paolo Chiasera.
“So the question is: what information can be gleaned from paintings about the knowledge that this power has tried to conceal?”