Tag Archives: language

Marcel Broodthaers

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 02

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 01

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 04

Broodthaers Decor XIXth install 03

Marcel Broodthaers, ‘Décor: A Conquest’ (2013)

Installation at Michael Werner Gallery, London.

Bethan Huws

Bethan_huws_At the Base of the Brain There Is a Fountain 2009

Bethan Huws, ‘At the Base of the Brain There Is a Fountain’ (2009)

Aleksei Kruchenykh

Aleksei Kruchenykh, ‘Vselenskaia voina (Universal war)’ (1916)

Audio recording. Poems read by Masha Chlenova, 2012. The Museum of Modern Art, New York

David Hammons

David Hammons

‘In the Hood’ by David Hammons

Rodney Graham

Rodney_Graham_Getting it Together in the Country, 2000

‘Getting it together in the country’ (2000), an LP and publication by Rodney Graham

Michael Dean


Michael Dean, ‘Analogue series (tongue)’ (2013)

Mark Manders



Mark Manders‘ ‘Newspaper’ series is an ongoing series of printed newspaper editions often free for the public to take home and available only during his exhibitions.

Using a nonsensical combination of English words, their text creates a pretense of legibility that dissolves upon closer inspection.

Bruno Munari


Old Neapolitan gestures, from left to right: money, past times, affirmation, stupid, good, wait a moment, to walk backward, to steal, horns, to ask for.




From the book ‘Speak Italian: The Fine Art of the Gesture’ (1958) by Bruno Munari

Stefan Brüggemann


by Stefan Brüggemann

Steve Lambert


Steve Lambert, ‘Give and give and give’ (2012)