Tag Archives: house

Gwen John

A Birdcage (House in a Landscape)-1920s-Gwen John

‘A Birdcage (House in a Landscape)’ (1920s), by Gwen John.

Adolf Loos


The only published photograph of an Adolf Loos interior that includes a human figure. The man can only just be seen at the entrance to the drawing room of the Rufer house in Vienna (1922).

Luis Camnitzer

luis_camnitzer-Garden Wall Door Table 1968

Luis Camnitzer, ‘Garden Wall Door Table’ (1968)

Joost Krijnen

Joost Krijnen-Landscape, 2014

Joost Krijnen, ‘Landscape’ (2014)

Erich Consemüller


Erich Consemüller, woman in B3 club chair by Marcel Breuer wearing a mask by Oskar Schlemmer and a dress in fabric designed by Lis Beyer, 1926.



by Gummbah.

Roman Ondák

Roman Ondak, Open (2015)

Roman Ondák, ‘Open’ (2015)

Alexander Brodsky

alexander-brodsky-Pavilion for Vodka Ceremonies-2004-1

alexander-brodsky-Pavilion for Vodka Ceremonies-2004

alexander-brodsky-Pavilion for Vodka Ceremonies-2004-0

Alexander Brodsky, ‘Vodka Ceremony Pavilion’ (2004)

René Magritte

month of the grape harvest Rene Magritte

René Magritte, ‘The Month of the Grape Harvest’ (1959)

Horace Pippin

Horace Pippin (1888-1946) Harmonizing, 1944

Horace Pippin, ‘Harmonizing’ (1944)