Tag Archives: history

Simon Starling

Simon Starling  Inverted Retrograde Theme-2002

Simon Starling, ‘Inverted Retrograde Theme, USA (House for a Song bird)’ (2002)

This installation references a housing project in Puerto Rico which was designed by Austrian architect Simon Schmiderer (1911-2001) in the 1960s. Schmiderer developed a series of houses made of building blocks without doors or windows to further integrate the outside and inside spaces, but the rise of crime in the 1970s forced locals to add elaborate barriers onto Schmiderer’s designs. In Inverted Retrograde Theme, USA, Simon Starling recreates two of the existing homes on a smaller scale and inverts them like birdcages; these models sit atop tree trunks that extend from the gallery’s floor.

Mark Kozelek – Song for My Father


“My dad and I have had our rough patches. Growing up. I was popping pills and we had our share of scraps, but there are also nice memories — watching ‘Papillon’ on TV for the first time in our Ohio basement, and we caught a lot of catfish on the Little Kanawha River. My dad is also responsible for the most crucial turning point in my life. I was 10 years old, taking guitar lessons from a neighbor and it wasn’t going anywhere. My dad hunted down a real guitar teacher, a guy named Jim Smith, and the rest is history.”


John Smith


‘Dad’s Stick’ (2012) by John Smith.

“Dad’s Stick features three well-used objects that my father showed me shortly before he died. Two of these were so steeped in history that their original forms and functions were almost completely obscured.” Watch extract on vimeo:

Mircea Nicolae



‘Romanian Kiosk Company’ (2010) by Mircea Nicolae

Bethan Huws


by Bethan Huws

Marek Kvetan

marek kvetan-Transfer2000a cast of a piece of industrial pipe with various wires inside

Marek Kvetan, ‘Transfer’ (2000)

A cast of a piece of industrial pipe with various wires inside.



A room inside the National Geology Museum in Bucharest (2011)

Anca Benera

anca benera

From Anca Benera‘s ‘Navigating London’s Lost Rivers’ performance (2011)

Cyprien Gaillard

Geographical Analogies


Cyprien Gaillard, from the ‘Geographical Analogies’ series (2006-2013)

Jonathan Minard

‘Archive’ (2013) by Jonathan Minard

A documentary focused on the future of long-term digital storage, the history of the Internet and attempts to preserve its contents on a massive scale.

Part one features Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive and his colleagues Robert Miller, director of books, and Alexis Rossi, director of web collections. On a mission to create universal access to all knowledge, the Internet Archive’s staff have built the world’s largest online library, offering 10 petabytes of archived websites, books, movies, music, and television broadcasts.
The video includes a tour of the Internet Archive’s headquarters in San Francisco, the book scanning center, and the book storage facilities in Richmond, California.