Tag Archives: germany

Martin Kippenberger

lamppost kippenberger

Martin Kippenberger, ‘Untitled’ (1989)

Thomas Grünfeld


Thomas Grünfeld, ‘Dr. Buisman’ (1986)

Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Žižek on toilets.

Luka Fineisen

Luka Fineisen, "Many Particle System," 2012

Luka Fineisen, ‘Many Particle System’ (2012)

Reiner Ruthenbeck

Reiner Ruthenbeck umgekippte moebel 71

Reiner Ruthenbeck, ‘Umgekippte Möbel’ (1971)

Christian von Mechel

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‘Twelve stages in the sequence from the head of a frog to the head of a primitive man’ and ‘Twelve stages in the sequence from the head of a primitive man to the head of the Apollo Belvedere’

Colored etchings by Christian von Mechel after Lavater (1797). Wellcome Library, London

Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter- Atlas. Plate 9.  Photographs of papers and books 1962-1968

‘Atlas plate no.9’ (1962-1968) by Gerhard Richter

Michael Sailstorfer


Michael Sailstorfer, Popcorn machine (2009)

Christian Haake

Christian Haake, o.T.1, 2009

Christian Haake, o.T., 2009

Christian Haake, untitled (2009)

Judith Hopf

Judith Hopf, ‘Mask’ (2012)