Remco Torenbosch, ‘EU’ (2011-2014)
An investigation into the history and production of the blue flag of the European Union designed by Arsène Heitz and Paul Lèvy in 1955. The presentation shows a collection of textile fabrics made in the European blue color code by the still existing weaving mills in the European Union. Although the color code for the EU flags is mandated, because of the differing production processes in each country and at each mill, it can still vary, resulting in a wide diversity of blue tints, as seen in this collection.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged blue, code, collection, color, design, diversity, dutch, EU, european union, fabrics, flag, found, fuckem, hues, identity, installation, mandate, national, netherlands, painting, political, politics, processes, production, Remco Torenbosch, textile, tint, uniform, variety

‘The Barcode’, a proposal for a European flag, by AMO, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)’s research studio.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged AMO, barcode, collection, colours, concept, countries, design, DIY, drawing, european, flag, flatten, fun, idea, identity, lines, merge, nations, oma, one, politics, proposal, Rem Koolhaas, research, rotterdam, stripes, unify, union, unknown

‘La Pièce’ (1971), by Ger van Elk.
In 1971, Van Elk lacquered a small block of wood (7 x 9,5 cm) white, while on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just West of Iceland, in the purest air in the world. It was exhibited in the group show ‘Sonsbeeck buiten de perken’. Van Elk considered it a “European answer” to the megalomaniac artworks that American artists like Richard Serra and Robert Smithson were showing there.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, air, amsterdam, art history, atlantic ocean, blank, block, clean, conceptualism, decomment, devoid, DIY, environment, fuckem, ger van elk, gesture, idea, la pièce, large scale, megalomaniac, minimalism, netherlands, object, performance, pure, red, richard serra, Robert smithson, romance, sculpture, small, sonsbeeck buiten de perken, thought, unknown, velvet, vitrine, white, wood

Excerpt from ‘Looking for Europe’ by Maciek Pozoga
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged circles, collection, haircut, head, looking, maciek pozoga, photography, romance, round, the wild, unknown

From the series ‘Spomenik’ (2010) by Jan Kempenaers
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, eastern, jan kempenaers, light, monuments, photography, public art, public space, sculpture, soviet, spomenik, the wild, unknown

‘Perfect lovers’ (2008) by Ahmet Ögüt.
A two Euro coin and a Turkish lira coin.

‘Send him your money‘ (2010)
On March 21st 1979, American Artist, Chris Burden made a live performance of ‘send me your money’ on KPFK radio in Los Angeles.”‘Send me your money” is a spoken word piece in which Burden asks listeners to send the artist some money to his address at 823 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, California 90291. (Listen to it here.)
Ahmet Ögüt has made a re-work of this 1979 piece, with only changing Burden’s address into his address in Amsterdam. (Listen here.)

“1 of 1000 ways to stabilise a wobbly table” (2010) by Ahmet Ögüt.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Ahmet Ö?üt, cash, Chris Burden, coin, Euro, felix gonzales torres, Lira, money, perfect lovers, send me your money, table, Turkey, wobbly

‘Fabiola’ by Francis Alÿs.
‘Fabiola’ is an installation of over 300 painted copies and reproductions of fourth century Saint-Fabiola, collected by Francis Alÿs from flea markets and antique shops throughout Europe and America in the last 20 years. They are all based on a now lost original painting by french artist Jean-Jacques Henner made in the nineteenth century.
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By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged amateur, America, belgian, belgium, collection, copy, fabiola, francis alys, icon, Jean-Jacques Henner, lost, many, mexico, one, original, painting, representation, reproduction, saint
Ger van Elk
‘La Pièce’ (1971), by Ger van Elk.
In 1971, Van Elk lacquered a small block of wood (7 x 9,5 cm) white, while on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just West of Iceland, in the purest air in the world. It was exhibited in the group show ‘Sonsbeeck buiten de perken’. Van Elk considered it a “European answer” to the megalomaniac artworks that American artists like Richard Serra and Robert Smithson were showing there.