Hieronymus Bosch, ‘The conjurer’ (estimated 1475-1505)
Tag Archives: balls
Anish Kapoor
‘Shooting into the corner’ (2009) by Anish Kapoor.
Installation at the Royal Academy of Arts in London (2009). A canon shoots 11 kilograms heavy wax balls into the corner of the next room.
Opening Willem Claassen @ Galerie Gallery
Last Friday @ Galerie Gallery was the opening of Willem Claassen‘s show! Here are some very bad pictures of the evening, better pictures will follow on the website of Galerie Gallery!
Willem & Work.
Laurent Perbos
Perbos made this series of dysfunctional pingpong-tables:
‘M.J.C. (Module de jeux compact’ (2003)
‘Ping pong pipe’ (2002)
‘J.O.’ (2003)
Bas Schevers
Bas Schevers, ‘Kinderfiets (Children’s bicycle)’ (2001)
Bas Schevers stole a child’s bicycle from a front yard and left the owners a note, saying that he stole it for an art exhibition and that they could have it back if they came by on the night of the opening.
At the opening Bas was sitting by a table with a sandwich toaster in front of him. The owners of the bicycle could choose whether they wanted the bicycle back and take the toaster too, or if they wanted the bicycle back and have a conversation with the artist about his motivations for stealing the bike.
Pascual Sisto
’28 years in the implicate order’ (2005) by Pascual Sisto.