Tag Archives: slab

Mike Pratt

Mike Pratt, 2 Flutes and a Violin, 2014

Mike Pratt, ‘2 Flutes and a Violin’ (2014)





Tercerunquinto, ‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ (2006)

‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ is a public sculpture on the periphery of the city of Monterrey. It consisted of a concrete foundation that was free to use by the people of Monterrey. Apart from being used as a platform for a political rally, it was transformed among others into a marketplace, a hangout, until eventually becoming claimed by a man who built his house on it. The house remains there to this day.

Wouter Huis

‘Disclaimer’ (2011) by Wouter Huis

Germaine Kruip

‘Marble untitled’ (2009) by Germaine Kruip