Tag Archives: possibility

Heman Chong


hemanchong_Mrs Dalloway : Virginia Woolf2014

‘Mrs Dalloway : Virginia Woolf’ (2014)

hemanchong_The Possibility of An Island : Michel Houellebecq (6)2013

‘The Possibility of An Island : Michel Houellebecq’ (2013)

hemanchong_The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea : Yukio Mishima2013

‘The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea : Yukio Mishima’ (2013)

Part of an ongoing series of work by Heman Chong





Tercerunquinto, ‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ (2006)

‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ is a public sculpture on the periphery of the city of Monterrey. It consisted of a concrete foundation that was free to use by the people of Monterrey. Apart from being used as a platform for a political rally, it was transformed among others into a marketplace, a hangout, until eventually becoming claimed by a man who built his house on it. The house remains there to this day.