Tag Archives: red

Stuart Ringholt

Stuart Ringholt Cur8or 2014

Stuart Ringholt, ‘Cur8or’ (2014)

Blinky Palermo

Blinky Palermo - Ohne Titel (Untitled), 1973

Blinky Palermo, ohne Titel (Untitled) (1973)

Olivier Millagou


‘Sand Tiki’ by Olivier Millagou.

David Stamp

davidstamp_Whats Inside You Wants You Eaten (2012, c-print)

David Stamp, ‘What’s inside you wants you eaten’ (2012)

Heather Phillipson

Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 19.12.38

Heather Phillipson, still from ‘SERIOUS TRACTION’, online commission for Opening Times (2015)

Watch here: http://otdac.org/serious-traction/

Christoph Ruckhäberle

Christoph Ruckhaeberle L'Emmerdeur Futuriste no.10 (2009)

Christoph Ruckhäberle, ‘L’Emmerdeur Futuriste #10’ (2009)

Cian-Yu Bai

CianYuBai_Melting, 2013

‘Melting’ (2013) by Cian-Yu Bai.

Ger van Elk



‘La Pièce’ (1971), by Ger van Elk.

In 1971, Van Elk lacquered a small block of wood (7 x 9,5 cm) white, while on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, just West of Iceland, in the purest air in the world. It was exhibited in the group show ‘Sonsbeeck buiten de perken’. Van Elk considered it a “European answer” to the megalomaniac artworks that American artists like Richard Serra and Robert Smithson were showing there.

Matteo Rubbi



Matteo Rubbi, ‘River (Eridanus)’ (2013)

Eridu was an ancient city in south Mesopotamia along the Euphrates, one of the first cities ever. Eridanus was a small river close to Athens, and it was the old name of the Po. It was said that Eridanus was the Nile or Ganges. Eridanus is a constellation about a mythical river, a sort of old paradigm for all the rivers.