Tag Archives: play

Pino Pascali

Pino Pascali, ‘Dinosauro che riposa (dinosaur resting)’ (1966)

Danh Vo

The on-going project “Vo Rocasco Rasmussen” that began in 2003, was one of Danh Võ’s first forays in the systematic subversion of hegemonic cultural structures. Legally marrying and adopting the names of one close friend after another, this on-going work could be seen as a tribute to loyalty and love, but his subsequent accumulation of names over time calls into question the role a name plays in our understanding of identity. His passport, for example, does not read the same as his bank-card, and the name on his driver’s license is different from his door bell.

Madalina Zaharia

Madalina Zaharia, ‘We will not play, we will only detonate’ (2011)

Samuel Beckett

‘Quad 1’ (1981) by Samuel Beckett

Helmut Smits

Helmut Smits, ‘no title (grand piano)’ (2006)

Achille Devéria

Achille Devéria, ‘The Puppets’ (1824)

Billy Rennekamp

‘Anibals’ (2011) by Billy Rennekamp.


Song-Ming ANG

Song-Ming ANG, ‘Parts and Labour’ (2012)

The artist learnt and executed the process of taking apart a piano and putting it back together in playable condition. This was performed over four months at a piano workshop.

Arthur Ganson

‘My little violin’ (2009) by Arthur Ganson.