Yael Davids, ‘Thread’ (1995)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, body, DIY, fuckem, gender, hands, israel, nails, netherlands, performance, photograph, politics, restraint, romance, sewing, the wild, thread, trash, unknown, yael davids

Giovanni Giaretta, ‘Untitled (portrait study)’ (2012)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, butterfly, choreography, collection, details, eyes, found, gesture, giovanni giaretta, hands, human, insect, italian, nature, performance, portrait, romance, slow, speculation, stillness, study, unknown, untitled, video

‘Less is more, love is blind’ (2007) a performance by Mauro Cerqueira.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 8-bit, action, architecture, blind, computer, crash, DIY, fuckem, fun, game, installation, landscape, less, love, mauro cerqueira, more, painting, performance, portugal, ramp, romance, skateboard, speed, the wild, trash, unknown, view, wall

Etienne-Jules Marey, from the series ‘Mouvements de l’air’ (Movements of air)
In 1901, the French scientist, physiologist and chronophotographer built a smoke machine with 58 smoke trails, in order to study movements of air.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 1900, air, DIY, force, French, invisible, light, nature, photographs, physiology, romance, science, smoke machine, study

The Penguin donkey bookcase, from 1939, by Egon Riss.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged animal, architecture, austrian, bearing, body, bookcase, books, carrying, collection, curved, DIY, donkey, egon riss, isokon, london, nature, penguin, scotland, scottish, sculpture, shelf, small, support, wood

Job Koelewijn, ‘Untitled (Lemniscaat)’ (2006)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged amsterdam, architecture, books, case, collection, design, forever, infinity, job koelewijn, knowledge, letters, literature, mental, netherlands, romance, rounded, sculpture, shelf, space, spiral, text, unknown, wooden

Sigurdur Gudmundsson, ‘Talking and silent floor’ (2000)
This sculpture is made of original wooden floor parts of Galerie Van Gelder that covered the floor when the gallery space was taken over from Art & Project in 1985. After its removal the artist used part of the floor for a sculpture in which the artist or anyone else could speak to an audience, as a kind of social minimalistic sculpture. In 2000 during the opening of his exhibition he inaugurated his sculpture by telling stories about his art and relatives.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged becoming, DIY, floor, gallery, listener, metal, minimal, pallet, performance, relational aesthetics, romance, sculpture, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, social, stories, talking, transfer, wood

Kim Beom, ‘Yellow Scream’ (2012)
Watch full video here.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, ah, authorship, bob ross, brush, canvas, charge, DIY, emotion, frustration, fuckem, fun, instruction, joke, joy, kim beom, painting, parody, performance, reference, romance, screaming, sound, south korean, studio, terror, the wild, touch, unknown, video, yellow