Oscar Abraham Pabon, ‘Carpet Corner II’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, carpet, circle, corner, DIY, fold, fuckem, installation, length, Oscar Abraham Pabon, persian, rug, scaffolds, sculpture, tapestry, textile, triangle, venezuela, wall, width, zone

Diego Santomé, ‘Gravedad, tension y estabilidad’ (2012)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged absorption, action, architecture, black, block, Diego Santome, DIY, force, gravity, mass, modern, monochrome, natural, performance, power, pull, push, resistance, romance, sculpture, sheets, solid, spain, spanish, stability, string, tension, volume, wall, weight, wood

‘Entering Meters Going Nowhere’ (2014-ongoing) by Kris van Dessel.
Measuring and entering the distances traveled in his studio while working.
Each month the total number of meters has been entered in Google to find a mountain with the equal number of meters as height.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged distance, DIY, enter, going, google, internet, kris van dessel, meter, mountain, nowhere, number, photo, studio, travel, work

‘Grease spot from rubbing chest against wall’ (2012) by Derek Paul Boyle
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, body, chest, derek paul boyle, DIY, erotics, filthy, fuckem, fun, grease, manliness, performance, romance, rubbing, spot, stain, the wild, trash, unknown, wall

‘Setting a Good Corner (Allegory & Metaphor)’ (1999) by Bruce Nauman.
The video Setting a Good Corner (Allegory and Metaphor) (1999) shows Bruce Nauman building a corner to stretch a fence and hang a gate in his ranch in New Mexico.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, bruce nauman, build, corner, desert, DIY, fence, fuckem, gate, instruction, length, New Mexico, ranch, video, width, zone

Allen Ruppersberg, ‘Low to high’ (2002)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged absent, alan ruppersberg, books, collection, culture, high, installation, low, present, sculpture, stacks, staircase, stairway, text, time, up

‘I didn’t know anything before and I still don’t know anything now’ (2011) by Savage
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged anything, books, collection, didn't, DIY, don't, fuckem, fun, installation, know, knowledge, line, now, row, savage, sculpture, shelf, sorted, still, text, wall

‘Breuer’, ‘Rietveld’ and ‘Eames’ from the series ‘Just chairs’ (2011) by Michael Kluver
The chairs in Kluver’s series are altered versions of modernist design classics. All pushed back into the simple archetypal form, all of them now are dominated by simple ergonomic dimensions. Same seating height, seating width, seating depth, overall height, and angle of the backrest.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged backrest, breuer, chairs, classics, design, DIY, eames, ergonomic, fuckem, generic, Just, michael kluver, modernist, rietveld, same, sculpture, unknown, width