Tag Archives: face

Annette Kelm

Annette Kelm Iron Filings, Smile, 2013

Annette Kelm, ‘Iron Filings, Smile’ (2013)

Esther Kläs

Esther Klaes

by Esther Kläs

Constantin Brancusi


Constantin Brancusi, ‘Sleeping muse’ (1910)

Maria Loboda

maria loboda Hydrochloric-Acid-on-Marble_2

Maria Loboda, ‘Hydrochloric Acid on Marble’ (2014)

Knut Henrik Henriksen

knuthenrikhenriksen_FACADE CHARADE, 2008

Knut Henrik Henriksen, ‘Façade Charade’ (2008)

Boris Dornbusch

borisdornbusch_Mutual Balance_2008

Boris Dornbusch, ‘Mutual Balance’ (2008)

Jack Strange


Jack Strange, ‘Church roof’ (2010)

Christian von Mechel

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‘Twelve stages in the sequence from the head of a frog to the head of a primitive man’ and ‘Twelve stages in the sequence from the head of a primitive man to the head of the Apollo Belvedere’

Colored etchings by Christian von Mechel after Lavater (1797). Wellcome Library, London

Mungo Thomson

mungo-thomson-antenna baldessari

‘Antenna Baldessari’ by Mungo Thomson

Boo Ritson


Boo Ritson, ‘Godfather’ (2006)