Analia Saban, ‘Erosion (Backyard)’ (2015)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, Analia Saban, architecture, backyard, black, erosion, fence, found, fuckem, house, inside, outside, photograph, romance, sky, unknown, USA, wall, white, zone

Barbara Bloom, ‘Corner: Italian garden II’ (1998)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, architecture, Barbara Bloom, collage, colors, columns, corridor, garden, green, inside, italian, middle, outside, photograph, public space, romance, space, split, USA, yellow, zone

Oscar Abraham Pabon, ‘Carpet Corner II’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, carpet, circle, DIY, fold, fuckem, height, installation, length, Oscar Abraham Pabon, persian, rug, scaffolds, sculpture, tapestry, textile, triangle, venezuela, wall, width, zone

Adam Schreiber, ‘2000’ (2010)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Adam Schreiber, architecture, black, Break, chipped, fuckem, history, industry, italy, landscape, light, machines, marble, mass, material, matter, nature, obsolete, photograph, quarry, romance, sculpture, stone, the wild, unknown, volume, white

Barbara Bloom, ‘Corner (Library)’ (1986)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged american, architecture, Barbara Bloom, books, border, collage, collection, colors, contrast, dark, divide, end, found, framed, library, light, limit, mood, photograph, photohraph, red, romance, unknown, wall

‘We are all Astronauts’

‘We are all Astronauts’ (French Polynesia) (2014-2015) by David Rickard.
Four corners, made of local sticks and string, placed on opposite spots in the world.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged astronauts, David Rickard, DIY, globe, horizon, local, spot, square, stick, string, world

Installation views of Manfred Pernice‘s ‘Tutti’ at Kunstverein Salzburg (2010)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, blocks, collection, DIY, expanding, found, fuckem, fun, germany, installation, manfred pernice, minimal, modules, paint, plywood, production, rough, sculpture, stacks, the wild, trash, tutti, unknown, use, wall

Horace Pippin, ‘Harmonizing’ (1944)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged african, afro-american, american, architecture, black, cartoon, class, conversation, culture, fence, fuckem, gathering, group, Horace Pippin, house, life, men, naive, outside, painting, public space, racial, romance, segregation, slavery, social, street, street view, struggles, wall, wood, wooden

Jan Hoeft, ‘Passage’ (2008)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, birds, building, DIY, exterior, flight, fuckem, fun, gap, installation, interior, jan hoeft, logistics, muur, nature, office, opening, passage, performance, public art, public space, shortcut, the wild, wall

‘Corner’ (2013) by Andrea Büttner
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged andrea büttner, blue, buettner, dark, DIY, german, hanging, installation, sculpture, site-specific, unknown, wall